UHV Spectroscopy System: Mini-Analytical System Model MAS120
Application Example
MAS120 can be attached to almost any vacuum deposition system.
MAS120 system can be attached to almost any vacuum deposition system via CF2.75" (DN35CF) port.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting of The Film Process
Purity of Thin Films
Atomic Composition
2-D Crystallography
Gas Emission and Coating Desorption Characteristics
Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES)
Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED)
Ion Beam Cleaning and Depth Profiling
Thermal Desorption Mass Spectroscopy (Optional)
The single crystal reference sample is transferred to the vacuum deposition system, after the
process is complete the coated sample is moved back for analysis. MAS120 module operates
independently and will not interfere with the existing deposition process.
Series LADP800, Large-Area Auger Depth ProfilerLADP800 in context
Thin Film Elemental Composition at Different Depth
Model LADP800 is the compact instrument to measure elemental surface composition of thin films
using Auger electron spectroscopy and Argon ion bombardment to obtain composition v.s depth.
In addition, the instrument can integrate gas emission analysis from thin film.
Customized side UHV attachment to fit most of the vacuum deposition chambers.
UHV Spectroscopy System ADP200 Series with Sample Load Lock
Nano-scale measurements of elemental composition on thin films and alloys
Analytical system based on LEED and Auger electron spectroscopy and argon ion sputtering for composition and thickness depth profiling of thin films and alloys
Sub-nanometer precision for atomic structures, composition and thickness
OCI Vacuum Microengineering provides customization to any of their surface analytical components. In the past, many customers have communicated their needs and OCI has responded with either adaptations or developments of new products.
In addition, OCI Vacuum Microengineering also specializes in the design and construction of complete UHV systems based on your custom requirements. The common elements of these systems include precision UHV chambers, a main pump (usually ion pump), an auxiliary pump (usually turbomolecular), a precision sample manipulator, a mounting framework with leveling feet and vacuum gauging.
Optional components typically requested by the customer are a rapid sample introduction system (load lock) and bakeout control.
Please contact us directly for more information about our capabilities to adapt and tailor any design to your specific requirements or to discuss your custom complete system requirements.
Modernized & Upgraded UHV Systems
For example: Previously Used, Refurbished & Upgraded UHV MBE (Molecular Beam Epitaxy) System
Varian, Model VTC-120
LEED-AES spectrometer, LEED 800 (Model BDL800IR)
Ion sputtering gun, Model IG70
Quartz thin film thickness monitor
Sample stage (X-Y-Z-R) with Omicron type sample plate
Sample e. beam heating up to 1600C °C and thermocouple
Sample storage for 6 samples
Sample load-lock chamber with turbo pump and sample transfer
Effusion cells or e. beam evaporators with water cooling (Qty. 6)
Varian ion pumps and TSP pump with LN2 cooling
System bake-out to 150C °C with cover tent and timers
Ultimate pressure: less than 2x10exp-11 torr
Other used UHV-MBE systems available for sale with similar configuration
Perkin-Elmer with Ultek D-I Ion Pump and TSP
UHV-MBE with 12" (300mm) O.D. Spherical Chamber and Varian StarCell Ion Pump
Compact UHV-MBE with 6.250" (160mm) O.D. Spherical Chamber and Varian StarCell Ion Pump
Surface Nanoscale Materials Characterization
Ultra-High Vacuum System is a perfect environment for advanced materials characterization, growth and processing.
The surface and interface processes at the atomic and molecular level are responsible for the performance of the wide range of technologies in microelectronics, computing, energy harvesting, energy storage, catalysis and medical devices.
The manufactured tools offers basic and fundamental properties characterization, experimental modelling and molecular beam epitaxy synthesis on metals, alloys, semiconductors, oxides, etc. In general, any surface crystallographic and compositional impact of chemical reactions at interface of solid state matter with gases, liquids and vacuum can be monitored.
Please contact us to express interest in our UHV systems, custom design, refurbished modernized systems, or if you have questions regarding any additional modifications or customized requirements.