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Thin Film Deposition for UHV Systems

Lithium Evaporation Source

Model: Evap40-Li


The Model Evap40-Li is a thermal vacuum evaporator tailored to tackle the inherent challenges of lithium evaporation, especially its reactivity and the need for a precise temperature control. Lithium's tendency to bond with oxygen, nitrogen, or moisture in the air is a major obstacle. The Evap40-Li addresses this by allowing lithium to remain in an argon atmosphere during transfer from re-fling crucible with Li metallic pallets (Glove Box) to the vacuum system. This enclosed handling minimizes exposure to reactive gases, preserving the lithium purity until it's ready for evaporation.

The SH500 Heater, equipped with a PID controller, offers versatile operation through both manual and PC-based control interfaces. This allows users to regulate either the current or the temperature with precision, a critical capability for managing lithium evaporation processes. By enabling fine-tuned adjustments, the SH500 ensures reliable and uniform vapor deposition.


Brochure for Lithium Evaporation Source, Model Evap40-Li (PDF)


  • Mounting flange: DN40CF (2.75" CF, 70 mm O.D.)
  • Diameters: 130 mm vacuum insertion length or longer and 30 mm O.D.
  • Water cooling: internal water-cooled shield to prevent excessive heating of surrounding components.
  • Crucible: specially designed crucible to be filled with Li metallic pellets
  • Filament: Tungsten filament heater with current range 0 - 20 A
  • Thermocouple: K-type
  • Temperature ranges: 50-500 C°
  • Shutter: integral manual shutter based on linear actuator
  • Handling: Completely sealed housing in argon gas

Lithium Evaporation Source

Model: Evap63-Li


The Model Evap63-Li is a thermal vacuum evaporator tailored to tackle the inherent challenges of lithium evaporation, especially its reactivity and the need for a precise temperature control. Lithium's tendency to bond with oxygen, nitrogen, or moisture in the air is a major obstacle. The Evap63-Li addresses this by allowing lithium to remain in an argon atmosphere during transfer from re-fling crucible with Li metallic pallets (Glove Box) to the vacuum system. This enclosed handling minimizes exposure to reactive gases, preserving the lithium purity until it's ready for evaporation.

The SH500 Heater, equipped with a PID controller, offers versatile operation through both manual and PC-based control interfaces. This allows users to regulate either the current or the temperature with precision, a critical capability for managing lithium evaporation processes. By enabling fine-tuned adjustments, the SH500 ensures reliable and uniform vapor deposition.


Brochure for Lithium Evaporattion Source, Model Evap63-Li (PDF)


  • Mounting flange: DN63CF (4.5" CF, 114 mm O.D.)
  • Diameters: 130 mm vacuum insertion length or longer and 51 mm O.D.
  • Water cooling: internal water-cooled shield to prevent excessive heating of surrounding components.
  • Crucible: specially designed crucible to be filled with Li metallic pellets
  • Filament: Tungsten filament heater with current range 0 - 20 A
  • Thermocouple: K-type
  • Temperature ranges: 50-500 C°
  • Shutter: integral manual shutter based on linear actuator
  • Handling: Completely sealed housing in argon gas

Effusion Cell

Model: Evap40


Effusion cell model Evap40 is a miniature vapor source of wide range solid state materials that are suitable for evaporation from crucible by thermal radiation from the surrounding tungsten heater.

The temperature range is from 50 °C to 1200 °C. It is designed for deposition of uniform thin films under ultra high vacuum conditions onto the substrate from sub-monolayer thickness to multilayered thin film.


Brochure for Effusion Cell, Model Evap40 (PDF)


  • Mounting flange: DN40CF with 100 mm vacuum insertion length, 34 mm O.D. insertion length and 34 mm O.D.
  • Water cooling: internal water flow reducing components outgassing
  • Filament: Tungsten filament heater with current range 0-20 A
  • Evaporating Source Crucibles: BN, Quartz, Alumina Ma, Ta, W, and Graphite
  • Thermocouple: K or C type
  • Crucible materials: Ma, Ta, W, Graphite
  • Liner Material options: BN, Quartz, Alumina
  • Shutter: integral manual shutter

Electron Beam Evaporator

Model: EB-Evap40


The electron beam evaporator, model EB-Evap 40 is a compact vapour source of almost any solid state material that is needed for deposition of thin film on substrate.

The temperature range for material evaporation is from 100 °C to 2300 °C. Evaporation is directly from 2 mm diameter rod or indirectly from the small crucible.

The unit is very compact and suitable for any UHV system.


Brochure for Electron Beam Evaporator, Model EB-Evap40 (PDF)


  • Mounting flange: DN40CF with 190 mm vacuum insertion length and 35 mm O.D.
  • Water cooling: internal water flow reducing components outgassing.
  • Filament: Tungsten filament with range 2- 2.4 A.
  • Voltage range: 0 - 1500 V.
  • Evaporating Source: Rod 2 mm diameter with 25 mm wire feed range.
  • Crucible materials: Ma, Ta, W, Graphite.
  • Liner Material options: BN, Quartz, Alumina.
  • Working distance: 50 mm – 100 mm range.
  • Shutter: integral manual shutter.

Electrospray Ionization Deposition System with UHV Compatibility for Growing Nanofilms

Model: ESID-UHV-75

Principle of Electrospray Ionization Deposition

The electrospray ionization deposition method (ESID) is based on the atomic dispersion of fluid that contains molecules or nano-articles under high electric field onto a substrate. The spray nozzle is connected to a high-voltage power supply while the target substrate is grounded. This creates a potential difference and therefore, a strong electric field which builds up at the end of the nozzle which forms a Taylor cone. The Taylor cone then deforms into a jet at the tip and disperses into a fine mist. Within the mist there are charged clusters that deposit onto the substrate due to ionic attraction which form a nanofilm. (For illustration of the above, see Figure 2.)

During the fluid dispersion, there are several processes occurring such as Taylor cone formation, charge transfer, solution evaporation, Coulomb fission, impact on the surface, nucleation, diffusion and nanofilm growth.


Brochure for Electrospray Ionization Deposition System w. UHV Compatibility, Model ESID-UHV-75 (PDF)